Thursday, 13 October 2011

Understanding Modern Marketing Communication Media

Marketing Communication  Media

To the marketer, media refers to the vehicles used to carry the advertising message to its intended target; usually- newspapers, magazines, television, and radio, but now also the Internet and Social Marketing Media. 

The role of all media is to connect organisations and customers, not just to deliver brand messages.  Delivery means “taking something to a person or place,” and connecting means “joining together.”  To motivate repeat purchases, organisations need to continually reconnect with customers and the media most suited to do this is addressable, interactive media.  Recent technological advances have shaped today’s interactive media.

Each medium has its own role to play in the advertising scheme of things, and the relative importance of each medium to any single advertiser depends upon the advertiser's particular objectives, target market, and resources. 
Media selection means finding the most cost-effective way to deliver the message to the desired audience.

·         Reach is the number of people exposed to your message.
·         Targeted Reach Most marketers are not interested in reaching everyone. It is best to do media planning based on targeted reach.
·         Frequency is the number of times they are exposed to the message. The level of frequency will vary with every brand because there are so many variables
·         Effective Frequency  Effective frequency is the number of times a message needs to be seen to make an impression or achieve a specific level of awareness, is somewhere between 3 and 10.
·         Impact is the quality of the exposure in terms of consumer response.
·         Media Environment  Media environment is the image of the media vehicle. In media planning it is important to consider the compatibility between a media vehicle’s image and the brand’s image.
·         Media Costs  No brand has unlimited money to spend, so cost is always a factor is media decisions. 

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