Thursday, 29 September 2011

Why do you have to keep justifying your good performance?

The bottom line is the final line in the P&L.

If I am CMO (and I have been) then I have a budget.  I manage that budget and I do not want to have to keep  justifingy everything I do with that budget - as long as I am making or exceeding the revenue and profit expectations.

Sure I will measure the elements (metrics) I use.  Sure I could justify what I do - but why would I be expected to do that on a monthly basis?

I do not ask the other departments to justify to me every element.  I do not expect to have to have a continual set of little bottom lines every month.  If that is happening then the CFO and the CEO need a kick in the Duff - where do they think this revenure is coming from??

Dr. Brian
CEO MAANZ International

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